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HSBC Life International Exclusive

A comprehensive global medical insurance plan that gives you access to private medical care, worldwide.

Make the world your home

Whether you live abroad or travel often, it's important to have access to quality healthcare wherever you may be while protecting yourself against rising medical costs. HSBC Life International Exclusive offers you exactly that with access to private medical care around the world.

Key benefits

Safeguarded no matter where you are

Enjoy comprehensive international healthcare coverage wherever you may be, in your chosen area of cover.

High annual limits, high coverage

You can enjoy coverage that provides you with an annual limit as high as SGD5 million for each year you're covered under this insurance policy.

Go cashless for hospital settlements

You won't need to make upfront payments for all approved treatments with providers in our global directory of hospitals.

Additional benefits

  • Pre-existing and congenital conditions cover
    We'll cover the treatment needed for pre-existing conditions and congenital conditions under selected plans after you've been covered for a consecutive 270 days.
  • Add-on pregnancy and childbirth cover
    You can opt to add on this rider for extra protection that covers pre-natal care, childbirth and routine post-natal care for up to 42 days after childbirth.
  • Extensive outpatient treatment cover
    You'll be covered for general and specialist consultations, diagnostic procedures, prescriptions, out-patient surgical procedures, alternative treatments and more.
  • Covered even for living organ donation
    Get covered even if you donate a kidney, heart, liver, lung or bone marrow to a parent, sibling, child, spouse or partner.

Choose from 3 levels of protection

Compare the key features between the plans

You can choose from 3 plans: Plan A, B and C. All 3 plans offer:

  • your chosen area of cover: worldwide, worldwide excluding USA, or Asia
  • inpatient daily accommodation charges for a standard single room
  • a daily cash benefit during hospitalisation, up to the limit stated for the plan
  • cover for hospital charges, radiotherapy, chemotherapy and kidney dialysis
  • living organ donor coverage of up to SGD60,000, after 24 consecutive months
The following table shows a summary of what's covered under each plan.
Plan Maximum annual limit Outpatient treatment Hospice and palliative care Other benefits
Plan A SGD5,000,000 Covered Up to SGD65,000 in an insured person's lifetime Covered
Plan B
SGD4,000,000 Covered Up to SGD50,000 in an insured person's lifetime Limited cover
Plan C
SGD2,800,000 Conditional cover Up to SGD25,000 in an insured person's lifetime Limited cover
The following table shows a summary of what's covered under each plan.
Plan Plan A
Maximum annual limit SGD5,000,000
Outpatient treatment Covered
Hospice and palliative care Up to SGD65,000 in an insured person's lifetime
Other benefits Covered
Plan Plan B
Maximum annual limit SGD4,000,000
Outpatient treatment Covered
Hospice and palliative care Up to SGD50,000 in an insured person's lifetime
Other benefits Limited cover
Plan Plan C
Maximum annual limit SGD2,800,000
Outpatient treatment Conditional cover
Hospice and palliative care Up to SGD25,000 in an insured person's lifetime
Other benefits Limited cover
  For more details on what each plan covers, please refer to the product brochure (PDF, 1.5MB).  

Options you can consider for your policy

You can tailor your policy with the following options. Open each accordion to learn more.

Are you eligible?

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Manage your policy on the go

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See your policy details and manage your HSBC Life policies with just a few taps any time, wherever you are.

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    International Exclusive is underwritten by HSBC Life (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. (Reg. No.199903512M).

    This webpage contains only general information and does not have regard to the specific investment objectives, financial situation and the particular needs of any specific person. This is not a contract of insurance and is not intended as an offer or recommendation to buy the product. A copy of the product summary may be obtained from our authorised product distributors. You should read the product summary before deciding whether to purchase the product. You may wish to seek advice from a Financial Planner before making a commitment to purchase the product. In the event that you choose not to seek advice from a Financial Planner, you should consider whether the product in question is suitable for you. Please refer to the policy wordings for the exact terms and conditions, specific details and exclusion of this product. Buying health insurance products that are not suitable for you may impact your ability to finance your future healthcare needs. It is also detrimental to replace an existing health insurance policy with a new one as the new policy may cost more or have fewer benefits at the same cost.

    This policy is protected under the Policy Owners’ Protection Scheme which is administered by the Singapore Deposit Insurance Corporation (SDIC). Coverage for your policy is automatic and no further action is required from you. For more information on the types of benefits that are covered under the scheme as well as the limits of coverage, where applicable, please contact us or visit the GIA/LIA or SDIC websites ( or or

    This policy is not a MediSave-approved policy and you may not use MediSave to pay the premium for this policy.This is a short-term accident and health policy and the insurer is not required to renew this policy. The insurer may terminate this policy by giving you 30 days’ notice in writing.

    This advertisement has not been reviewed by the Monetary Authority of Singapore. Information is correct as at 1 February 2025.

    Not for use outside Singapore.

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