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Claim forms

You can make claims online or by post, depending on what you're claiming for. You may also need to prepare supporting documents to attach with your claim. Our claims specialists will then review your submission. Once approved, you'll receive payment for your claim.

Personal claims

These are the forms you'll need to make an insurance claim as an individual.

Motor insurance

Travel insurance

Domestic helper insurance

Home insurance


Total and permanent disability

Personal accident insurance

Critical illnesses

Hospital, surgical, inpatient and day surgery claims

Outpatient claims

Dental claims

Art insurance

Golf insurance

Business claims

These are the forms you'll need to make an insurance claim as a business or corporation.

Work injury

Public liability

Fidelity guarantee

Fire or property

Marine cargo

Hospital, surgical, inpatient and day surgery claims

Outpatient claims


If you have an unpresented cheque for a claim payment, please contact us on +65 6880 4888, Lines are open 9am to 5pm, Mondays to Fridays except on public holidays.
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