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HSBC Life Super CritiCare

A holistic critical illness insurance plan that offers you multiple payouts and puts your well-being in your hands.

Stack your coverage, not your calories

HSBC Life Super CritiCare empowers you to take charge of your wellbeing, in the face of diabetes and critical illness recurrence becoming more common[@super-criticare-source]. A holistic critical illness insurance plan, it offers multiple payouts of up to 600% of the sum assured, and a complimentary Diabetes Care Programme. 

Key benefits

Unlimited claim payouts of up to 600% of the sum assured[@600-sum-assured]

Get covered for critical illnesses at any stage, and additional coverage for 11 special conditions and 10 juvenile conditions[@special-juvenile-super-criticare], from as low as SGD3 a day[@super-criticare-illustrative].

Covered even for a re-diagnosis or recurrence

Receive 100% of the sum assured for each claim, at early, intermediate and advanced stages of re-diagnosed cancer, recurrent heart attacks and strokes, or separate diagnoses of the 3 most common critical illnesses[@super-criticare-most-common].

Diabetes Care Programme

Control your diabetes effectively with professional support through our complimentary care programme, renewed yearly until the end of your policy term[@diabetes-care-renewal].

What is the Diabetes Care Programme?

  • Structured fitness programme
    Stay on top of your fitness with 12 sessions of an exercise programme structured to provide proven benefits for diabetes.
  • Personalised diabetic consultation and dietary counselling
    Receive 6 consultation sessions to assess your condition, plus 12 dietary counselling and care plan sessions to help you keep your health optimal.
  • Eye screening
    Get a digital retinal photography session to detect early retinal changes – reduce the risk of deterioration and prevent blindness.
  • Annual lab test
    Get 2 sets of laboratory tests and biometrics measurements – 1 at the start of your programme, and 1 at the end of it.
  • Foot screening and counselling
    Find some help with keeping good foot care at the early stage to prevent infection or damage to your foot.

Additional benefits

You can also enjoy these supplementary benefits under our HSBC Life Super CritiCare policy.

How does HSBC Life Super CritiCare work?

Jasmine is a 30-year old non-smoker. She opts for our HSBC Life Super CritiCare policy, renewable to age 75, with a basic sum assured of SGD100,000. She also adds on a Premium Waiver (ECIUN) rider[@premium-waiver-riders]. She'll pay a monthly premium of SGD113 until she reaches age 75.

Open the accordions to see how we'll support her at every stage under her policy.

Are you eligible?

The entry age is:

  • 1 month[@age-attained] to 70[@age-nearest] years, for the insured person
  • 18[@age-attained] to 99[@age-nearest] years, for the policyholder

Apply now

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    HSBC Life Super CritiCare is underwritten by HSBC Life (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. (Registration number 199903512M).

    This webpage contains only general information and does not have regard to the specific investment objectives, financial situation and the particular needs of any specific person. This is not a contract of insurance and is not intended as an offer or recommendation to buy the product. A copy of the product summary may be obtained from our authorised product distributors. You should read the product summary before deciding whether to purchase the product. You may wish to seek advice from a Financial Planner before making a commitment to purchase the product. In the event that you choose not to seek advice from a Financial Planner, you should consider whether the product in question is suitable for you. Please refer to the general provisions for the exact terms and conditions, specific details and exclusion of this product. As buying a life insurance policy is a long-term commitment, an early termination of the policy usually incurs high cost and the surrender value, if any, that is payable to you may be zero or less than the total premiums paid. Buying health insurance products that are not suitable for you may impact your ability to finance your future healthcare needs. It is also detrimental to replace an existing life insurance policy with a new one as the new policy may cost more or have fewer benefits at the same cost.

    This policy is protected under the Policy Owners' Protection Scheme which is administered by the Singapore Deposit Insurance Corporation (SDIC). Coverage for your policy is automatic and no further action is required from you. For more information on the types of benefits that are covered under the scheme as well as the limits of coverage, where applicable, please contact us or visit the Life Insurance Association Singapore (LIA) or Singapore Deposit Insurance Corporation (SDIC) websites: or

    This advertisement has not been reviewed by the Monetary Authority of Singapore. Information is correct as at 1 February 2025.

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